is a generative workshop that explores the idea
of poetry as something playful, spontaneous, interactive, and intuitive.

Poetry as Play is a generative workshop, in which we: introduce ourselves, read poems (typically 4-8), discuss and collectively make meaning, work through scaffolding questions, read out prompts, then have writing time (typically 15 minutes).The theme of the workshop will change each time, as will the poems, prompts, and participants. What stays the same is the idea that anything can be made into poetry, and inspiration can be found anywhere.Please note, the facilitator (me, Bee) does not have a professional persona, I come to each workshop as my full self and hope you will do the same!
upcoming workshop
January 5
4-6pm et
This isn’t quite a New Year’s workshop, and it’s certainly not a New Year’s Resolution workshop. It’s something like a collection of moments; the space between and ending and a beginning; even a middle. Encompassing all (or most? some? at least one?) the feelings a moment can bring: nervousness, excitement, anxiety, hope, overwhelm— and ideally gain some kind of insight along the way.
a communal space for submitting
2pm et, 1pm ct, 12pm mt, 11am pt
1 hour+ of submission body doublingI'll start with a rundown of the submitting process (if participants are unfamiliar), and give a few general recommendations of where to submit.We’ll work in 15 minute chunks (this can be extended if anyone’s feeling crunched for time), with a 5-ish break after. We can talk over how the 15 minutes went, any new submissions sent out, journals found, questions that came up, etc. We’ll go for at least an hour, and can stay as long as participants last.Like workshops, the suggested cost is $15, though any amount higher or lower is welcomed. Free tickets are always available, no explanation needed.Sign up below (make sure you specify you're signing up for submissions), and come sprint through
Submission City!
Revel in the Self
Every saturday in september3 - 5 pm et, 2 - 4 pm ct, 1 - 3 pm mt, 12pm - 2 pm pt
A workshop about who we are. How do we get to know who we are? What have we learned about ourselves up to this point, and what do we want to learn in the future? We'll delve into these questions, reading selected poetry relating to a different aspect of self each week.You can expect to come out of this workshop with around 5 newly written poems and, ideally, a deeper understanding of self and its different facets, as well as the community that helps uphold your many selves.
This workshop is sliding scale, meaning the price is determined by what you're able to comfortably pay. Communication will be done through emails sent with the form, please fill it out whether you pay or come free to the workshop.Free spots are unlimited and accessible by entering your email, no explanation needed.If you're able to pay, the suggested cost per workshop is $15, though any amount higher or lower is welcomed. If you're based in the US, payment through cashapp or venmo is preferred. Stripe is available for non-US participants.

About the facilitator
is an array of letters, bound to impulse; they are a writer creating delicate connections. they have called any number of places home; currently, a single yellow wall in Michigan. their poetry has been published in over a hundred venues. they've led over a dozen workshops, both online and in-person, group and individual. their portfolio can be found here.